Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First Day being a Homemaker

Task #1: Get up at 5:30.


Slept in till 6:30, I guess I can forgive myself this one time.

Task #2: Get dogs downstairs without scratching the floors.


Let dogs go and Jack-Jack ran for the stairs then tumbled down them and Lilo came tumbling after.

It was an unfortunate mix of overexcitement and lack of traction and coordination.

Willow, being my graceful yoga pup, gracefully glided down the stairs without a scratch.

When Stephen reads this, he is going to kill me.

He loves the flooring.

May I rest in peace.

Task #3: Take dogs for a walk.

All three at the same time.

This has never been done before.

Took about 10 minutes after I took the leashes out of the drawer to get them calmed down enough to put them on.

All three dogs belong in LPA (Leash Pullers Anonymous) so they have their “Gentle Leaders” which are collars that go around their muzzles so they don't pull.

Side note: Maker of “Gentle Leaders” - I love you.

Jack-Jack is not used to his new collar yet so when I put it on he starts flinging himself about like a 60 pound fish on a line. Not fun.

I managed to get all three collars and leases on then it was out the back gate.

I almost biffed it a few times but as long as I kept walking they had to keep up and keep the shenanigans to a minimum.

While on this walk a car pulled up and and I heard my name. I looked over and it was my boss! I am pretty excited about that because now she will go to work and say that I was up walking the dogs and not, as everyone is expecting, sitting on the couch watching Lifetime and eating bon bons.

Task #4: Poop Patrol


I started cleaning up and everything was going fine until I got to one part of the side yard that is a favorite of the dogs to do their business.

Unbeknownst to me, this dog poop oasis was guarded.

As I approached the sacred pooping grounds I heard a funny buzzing noise and find myself face to face with a giant bee. Like the size of a baseball! No not really, more like a quarter, but still scary.

So I did what any good homemaker extraordinaire would do...

ran screaming and left the poop to be cleaned up by my oh so brave husband.

Task #5: Read Bible and Pray


Read Proverbs 31 for inspiration and prayed that above all that I would fear the Lord and that for my husband I could embody 31:12 “She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.” and 31:26 “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.”

Task #6: Clean....everything.

This could take a while.

Got most of the downstairs done.

Task #7: Make dinner


Enchiladas from scratch from The Pioneer Woman’s cookbook.

Made with local organic beef.

Task #8: Welcome husband home with a hug and a kiss.


Task #9: Relax and eat dinner with husband.


Task #10: Blog


End day 1.


Nancy said...

Wow, I am tired just reading your story. Sounds like the dogs were definitely loving having you home! Keep up the good work. Your dinner sounded good too!!!

Stephanie said...

Ah yes, poop patrol...that's what kids are for!! Hint, hint. I'm proud of you, my little Meggie girl. I remember when God TOOK me out of the work force (unlike you, I wouldn't listen...didn't think we could make it financially). It was hard but worth it. I'm hoping it made a difference in my family's life! Stay strong!