Friday, July 8, 2011

Captain Wolfe

Today my wonderful husband was promoted from 1st Lieutenant to Captain.

If you're not familiar with the Army or the rank structure, just know that that is a pretty significant promotion.

And a nice pay raise.

So today we had his promotion ceremony.

We handed the camera over to one of his coworkers and he relieved my worried heart by taking good pictures and not breaking the camera.

So because Stephen's family were not able to come and because I want to, I am going to talk you through the ceremony.

With pictures of course.

The ceremony was in front of one of the battalion headquarters.

The ceremony starts with Stephen's commander, Lieutenant Colonel Lanier, welcoming everyone who came and saying a word or two about Stephen.

The audience (past and current coworkers).

Then was the Attention to Orders (this signals all the soldiers to stand at attention to hear the orders) at which point I was told to come stand by Stephen.

Then the promotion orders was read (as follows)

"The President of the United States of America,

To all who shall see these presents, greeting:

Know Ye, that reposing special trust and confidence in the patriotism, valor, fidelity and abilities of Stephen M. Wolfe, I do appoint him Captain in the United States Army to rank as such from the first day of July, 2011. This officer will therefore carefully and diligently discharge the duties of the office to which appointed by doing and preforming all manner of things thereunto belonging.

And I do strictly charge and require those officers and other personnel of lesser tank to render such obedience as is due an officer of this grade and position. And, this officer is to observe and follow such orders and directions, from time to time, as may be given by the President of the United States of America or other superior officers, acting in accordance with the laws of the United States of America. This commission is to continue in force during the pleasure of the President of the United States of America under the provisions of those public laws relating to officers of the Armed Forces of the United States of America and the component thereof in which this appointment is made."

While this was being read I had to do the one little job assigned to me.

I was so nervous!

For one, I really don't like being the center of attention and two, I was sure I was going to mess this up.

Here is what was going on in my head.

"Ok, take his old patch off and put the new patch on (bars vertical, don't mess that up)....check."

"Take his old hat off and throw it behind him (try not to look too girly doing this, or throw it so poorly that it comes back and smacks you in the face) and put his new hat on (if I can reach) ...check. Whoo! Glad that's over."

Then Stephen takes the Oath of Office.

He gets handed a fancy framed copy of the promotion orders.

Then everyone claps and its his turn to make a speech at which point I have empathy stage fright.

I love this picture. You can tell the commander is saying "That WAS you!"

He was saying this because Stephen was reminding him about how the first time they met it was when Stephen was running a training event and one of the soldiers fired off his rifle at the wrong time. At the time it was a big deal and the commander was not happy about it. But now he obviously thought it was pretty darn funny.

He thanked all the people he worked with and said how much he learned from all of them.

Then he called me up (even while typing this I am getting butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it!)

I was prepared for some little thank you to me but not this!

He gave me a beautiful lei.

And a pretty bouquet.

Then he told everyone how I quit my job to be a homemaker and full time wife.

He said that I was a wonderful godly woman and how much he appreciates my support and all I do for him.

Then, he asked everyone to join him in honoring me and they all clapped!

Needless to say I was not the only teary eyed person there.

Then pose for a picture.

Then everyone comes up and shakes our hands and says "congratulations".

What is interesting to me is how much they include me in all this, the commander in the beginning welcomed everyone to the promotion of "Stephen Wolfe and his wife Megan".

And everyone was telling me "congratulations".

Does that mean I'm a captain now?

Hmm, or maybe just the wife of a captain.

From now on I'll be Mrs. CPT Stephen Wolfe.

Be sure to call me that from now on.

So anyways, that was the ceremony and then we brought some food from Costco for a little reception.

It all went really well and I am so proud of my Captain.

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