Friday, August 17, 2012

Alice's Room

Since the day I found out I was pregnant I have been thinking about how to decorate the nursery.

The Martha Stewart monster in me was going nuts.

But of course I had to wait to find out if we were having a boy or girl.

Then I had to wait till we moved.

Then I had to wait for Stephen to have time to paint.

Then I had to wait to find the right dresser.

Thankfully the waiting is over (well, as far as the nursery goes).

Alice's room is done!

Now remember, my goal was to have a soft, calming nursery with a hint of Alice in Wonderland.

You can judge if I met that goal or not.

My color scheme is pale blue and coral pink.

I was inspired to do the coral pink because of the color of flamingos (if you are asking "why flamingos?" remember that is what Alice uses when she plays croquette with the queen of hearts)

Now the coral pink turned out looking great but being a pain because I had an exact color in mind and it happened to not be a common one.

I wanted a pink that was not the typical baby girl pink which is a blue-ish pink but one that was more of a coral pink but not too coral.

Luckily I found this as Lowes:

The pinks were perfect and since I couldn't decide which one I liked best, I used all 3.

For the walls I chose Valspar paint in Sweet Slumber but it was too dark so I added 1 part white and 2 parts of the sweet slumber and it was perfect.

When you look through the pictures of the room I would suggest clicking on the pictures to see them larger, the small ones just don't do the room justice.

Or you could just come visit me and see the adorableness in person :o)

So here it is, when you walk in the door and look to the right you see:

Then straight ahead:

Then to the left:

Now the details.

Here is the dresser that was so hard to find.

And here is a before picture of that dresser:

I think we can all agree it looks way better now.

My favorite part of the room is the decor above the dresser.

On the dresser are 3 large chess pieces that I found at Hobby Lobby and painted my 3 pinks.

They are part of my "hint" of Alice in Wonderland.  In "Through the Looking Glass" the main characters are chess pieces.

My shelf with antique Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, a bottle with a "drink me" tag and an adorable depression glass tea cup and saucer that I found at an antique store in Missouri.

Above that is a frame with 3 pages from the antique Alice in Wonderland book.  Stephen is not happy about me cutting up an antique book, he says I killed it.  I say it looks cute :o)

Next to that are more antique book remains.

Next we come to my puff ball.

This idea came from this link I found on pinterest:

(If you make it, be warned that you need way more coffee filters than you think and it takes more work than it seems.)

Basically it is made by taking coffee filters that you have dipped in watered down paint and gluing them to a paper lantern.

It was really cheap to make and I love how it turned out.

I hope Alice enjoys staring at it while we change her diaper.

The first thing I made for Alice's room was this above the crib:

Unfortunately the pictures don't do it justice, it looks better in person.

I took 3 canvases and painted them the 3 pinks then bought wood letters and painted them white and glued them on.

The quote is from 1 Samuel 1:27.  It is a very meaningful verse to me because it comes from a story of a woman named Hannah who was barren and prayed to God to give her a child.  When God blesses her with a child she says the quote that is on the canvases.  And like Hannah, I was barren and prayed for a child and the Lord has granted me what I have asked of Him.

Praise be to the Lord!

Then of course we have a little library started for Alice, it's not much yet but I am sure it will be overflowing soon enough.

The other hints of Alice in Wonderland here are the stuffed flamingo, the key (like the one she needed to get through the little door to the garden) and a rabbit figurine by the lamp.

I am waiting on some prints I ordered from the maternity shoot to put in frames on the bookcase but other than that the room is all done.

Now we just need Alice!


Edwards Family said...

Love. Can't wait to see it in person!

Nancy said...

noiAlice's room is adorable. Can't wait to see her napping in her crib!

Nancy said...

Alice's room is adorable. Can't wait to see her napping in her crib!

Tales of Whimsy said...

This is beautiful. You did a great job. You make me want giant pink chess pieces. Something I would never have thought I'd like before.