Monday, September 23, 2013

Alice: 12 Months

Weight:  18 pounds

Height:  28 1/2"

Appearance:  She's got 2 teeth on bottom and her two front teeth on top.  Her hair is getting more curly in the humidity here.

Quirks:  She still tribbles some.  She also now does that bubbling noise when you stick your tongue in and out fast.

New Skills:  Turning pages in books.  Stacking blocks.

Likes:  Saying "yeah!", climbing on or in things and playing in her kiddie pool.

Dislikes:  Being away from mom or dad.  We've got some separation anxiety to work though unfortunately.

Firsts:  She moved for the first time, from Tennessee to Louisiana.  Had dairy and meat for the first time, that's right, Alice is no longer a vegan :o)  Went into the pool for the first time (see below)

Saying "yeah!" in our empty house in Tennessee.

Alice in one of her toy boxes, yes she got in there all on her own silly girl.

Here is what she likes best, getting in her toy box and throwing out all the toys.

I especially love the over the shoulder toss she does.

This was the most difficult photo shoot yet.

Most of my pictures look something like this:

Or she would grab one of her toys.

Now that this Alice month-by-month series is over, lets do a couple comparisons.

Alice at 1 month, 6 months then 12 months:

So crazy right?!

It's no joke when people say they grow up fast!

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