Alice has been talking a ton lately.
It's so much fun.
She knows about 25 words and about 10 animal noises.
She recently fell in love with strawberries (she hated them before) and is having a hard time with that word.
For some reason she always says something like, pa-dee, pa-dee-do and even once pa-du-wa.
I think since strawberry is so hard a word for her that she just says a random made up word. She uses the same word for bubbles. It's strange.
She also babbles a ton.
It is so fun having fake conversations with her.
She has so much to say and looks you in the face really seriously when talking.
A lot of her "sentences" sound like they end with a question mark.
Unfortunately her favorite word is still "no."
Thankfully she has yet to say it defiantly but she does say it in a very whiny way sometimes.
I can't believe I am already dealing with "tone of voice" issues, isn't that supposed to wait until like 13!
Probably the cutest thing she says is "amen".
We sing the doxology with her every night before bed and at the end she says "amen".
And I die. Too much cuteness.
I turned the camera on my phone so Alice could see herself then got her to say some of her words and noises.
Some of Alice's words (she puts her hand to her check when she say's "hi" because she is pretending she has a phone):
Animal noises:
Body parts:
Her newest word, more death by cuteness:
Soooo cute!
oh jesus she's so adorable. i think im in love lol she's such an angel. i can't wait to have a baby girl of my own.
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