Thursday, May 9, 2013

Alice: 8 Months

Appearance:  Her hair is growing in more so her comb-over is becoming a little less obvious.  I thought her hair was going to be straight but now that her hair is getting longer, it definitely has some wave to it.  Hopefully its a little tamer than mine.

New Skills:  She's crawling!  And fast too.  She crawls with her right leg "stepping" forward and pulling her left knee on the ground.  

She now makes a wookiee/tribble noise.  (see video below)  

She also started clapping.  It was completely random.  We were watching Star Wars and it was the part where they blow up the Death Star and Alice randomly started clapping.  It was really funny.

Likes:  Pulling down books, trying to grab electrical cords, finding shoes and sucking on them, pulling herself up to a stand on anything and everything, going after the cats or dogs, AKA enjoying the world of mobility in general.

Dislikes:  When I leave the room (and she is alone, she is fine with Stephen).  She seems to have developed a case of separation anxiety.  She has been more clingy lately.  Also, I have recently discovered that she must not like the blanket, she sleeps a lot better without it over her.  She moves around so much at night, I think she kept getting caught in it.

Firsts:  On April 10th she crawled for the first time.

On April 30th Alice got her first kiss.  We were at my weekly ladies Bible study and Alice was playing on the floor with the other babies and a 1-year-old Nolan had been giving her hugs and then he grabbed her and gave her a kiss full on the mouth.  We all thought it was pretty funny.

This little stud is the culprit:

Here is a video of the first time she crawled.  She was going after Lilo's chew toy.

Here is her wookiee/tribble noise.  She started making the noise on her own and now she and Stephen make it together.  I can't make that noise.

Pulling herself up:

Giselle teaching her how to spy on the neighbors:

Alice jumped herself to sleep in the jumper at church:

I took these random pictures of her when she woke up from her nap one day.

(If you can't see, the first canvas says "I prayed for this child")

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