Wednesday, December 17, 2014

28 Weeks: Eggplant

Yay!  Third trimester!

Getting so excited for Jane to get here!

Not much to say, feeling great, she's kicking a lot, have a tiny bit of heartburn.

Stephen and I are both constantly amazed at how big I am compared to when I was pregnant with Alice.

Stephen is lucky that I am not self-conscience about being big because he regularly looks at me and exclaims "You're huge!"

And I laugh and say "I know, right!?"

I really prefer being pregnant in the summer.

It's so much harder to find winter clothes that fit!

And I really hate maternity jeans.

I really just want to live in sweatpants.

No, not cute yoga pants, they don't fit anymore.

Thick, fluffy, baggy, horribly unflattering, crazy comfy, sweatpants.

Sorry Stephen.