WARNING: This post contains large quantities of adorableness. You may experience involuntary vocalizations of "aawww" and "So cute!", as well as the urge to buy a plane ticket to Baton Rouge immediately so you can see the cuteness in person.
Alice has loved Jane since the moment we brought her home and Alice put out her arms and said, "Hold her!"
She has never been a particularly sympathetic child so she doesn't get upset when Jane cries, which is probably a good thing since Jane is a pretty fussy baby.
She is very gentle with Jane and hasn't been jealous at all except for when Daddy is holding her.
Then she begs to be held by him too.
She asks to hold Jane a few times everyday.
She likes to rock her in the bassinet and put a blanket on her.
Love how she looks like "Don't you dare mess with my little sister!"
Every morning when she first sees Jane she excitedly yells "Baby Jane awake!"
I had planned on trying to do a photo shoot with Alice and Jane when she was born but I decided it would just be too difficult.
And I figured there would be plenty of chances to take candid pictures of them together, and I was right.
Jane's shirt says "Best Sister Ever" (Thanks Edwards!)
Love Jane's face here.
I can't wait to watch them grow up together and (hopefully) be best friends.
But for now, one things for sure, Alice is a wonderful big sister!