Sunday, June 28, 2015

3 Months with Jane

I realized I haven't talked much about Jane, so here is a summary of what life with Jane has been like thus far.

From the first night, she has slept well.

Which as any mom can tell you, is a real blessing.

We go to bed around 9 (we co-sleep/bed share) and she sleeps a good 6-7 hours and then nurses about twice and then we get up at 7.  Sometimes she even sleeps in.  It's really nice.

The first two weeks were pretty easy, like most newborns, she just slept and ate a lot.

My parents came to visit when she was a week old.

Boppa cuddles.

Alice cooking with Nana.

My parents took Alice to the zoo while I relaxed at home with Jane.

Playing with Boppa.

Nana took over pre-nap and pre-bedtime story times.

We all went on an outing to Bluebonnet swamp.

After she was 2 weeks old she started getting rather fussy.  I wouldn't call it colicky, cause she didn't cry like she was in pain or was very hard to soothe.

She just would cry anytime she wasn't held.

She would only sleep about 15-20 minutes at a time if she wasn't held.

This went on for about 6 weeks.

Which means I went 6 weeks with a baby attached to me about 23 out of 24 hours a day.

It was a bit exhausting.

Stephen's mom came to visit for a week when Jane was about a month old and helped out a lot.

When Jane hit about 2 months old she started going longer and longer stretches of being put down without crying.

And now at 3 months she does pretty well hanging out in her bouncy chair, though I do still wear and hold her pretty often.

She also is finally taking longer naps.

This is in part due to her taking a pacifier.

She recently started sucking her thumb but she wasn't good at keeping it in her mouth and she kept poking herself in the eye.

So I tried giving her a pacifier (which she wanted nothing to do with about a month ago) and now she's in love.

I am not thrilled with having to deal with a pacifier but if it comforts her (when holding or feeding doesn't) and helps her sleep better, oh well.

She also has just started to get a tooth which the pacifier seems to help with.

Jane is not the most content or happy baby but we love her so much.

Her smiles are so cute and Stephen has gotten a few little laughs out of her.

I am excited to see what she will be like as she grows.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Backyard Splash Pad

It's starting to get rather hot down here in the deep south.

So to beat the heat, Stephen built Alice a splash pad type sprinkler and we set it up with a kiddie slide and pool.

He followed these instructions:

Alice was nervous about it at first but she quickly fell in love.

Jane enjoyed herself getting some clothes-free time.

And then a nap on daddy.