Monday, October 4, 2010


I love getting things in the mail.

Who doesn't!?

A good way to get mail is to get magazines.

I love magazines.

Here are a few of the magazines I get.

Martha Stewart Living, of course.

What kind of Martha Stewart enthusiast would I be without it?

Side note: I still mourn the loss of the Martha Stewart Wedding magazines.

Not that they stopped making them.

There just isn't any reason to get them anymore.

Can I just have another wedding every few years?

Same groom of course.

Moving on.

I also get Martha Stewart's Everyday Food.

Other than just looking oh so cute on my book shelf, it is a great cooking magazine. Really good recipes.

One day this magazine showed up in the mail.

I thought, "Oh, they must send you one free to get you hooked."

But it's been months and they are still coming.

I have no idea where they are coming from.

I have been unfortunately disappointed in the magazine though, haven't found a lot of recipes that I like in it.

This is probably one of the best cooking magazines out there.

The recipes are always good.

It is very technical and detailed though, so be prepared to do a lot more reading than you would expect.

Now this is my newest magazine.

One of my wonderful in-laws got me a subscription. (Thanks Patti!)

I hadn't heard of it before but the recipes look really good. I am going to try one tonight.

I also love Real Simple, but I don't have a subscription to that...yet.

You may have noticed a common theme in all these magazines.


You are probably thinking what my husband is always saying "Why do you need that many cooking magazines?!"

Because I can and I want to! (Said the little redheaded girl whiles stomping her feet.)

I love cooking. What else can I say?

I love cookbooks too.

I would have a library full of them if I could.

Now the goal is, in order to stay organized, when I find a recipe I like, I write it down and put it in here:

This is a recipe box my dad made way back in 1978 and gave to my mom.

My mom gave it to me as a wedding present.

I love family heirlooms.

I love cooking.

I love magazines.

I love getting things in the mail.

The end.


Patti said...

Don't you just love Cooks???? I think you'll like the Cuisine at Home almost as much...and there is other funstuff, not just receipes, in there. I have a whole box of cooking magazines with pages turned down...then I started copying the receipes I like, instead of keeping the whole I have a box filled with single pages..must get organized some day!

Josh and Erin said...

:) I really love reading your blog! You're a wonderful communicator! :)