Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Not-So-Special Brownies

This past weekend one of Stephen's classmate from West Point came and stayed with us.

While here, he wanted to get together with another classmate that is stationed here.

So we were all invited to a bonfire he was having with some friends.

I was pretty excited about this because 1. bonfires are awesome, 2. we haven't hung out with people our age since I can't remember when and 3. where there is a bonfire, there are smores.

When we showed up at the bonfire it was pitch black and out in the middle of nowhere (bonfires aren't legal in Hawaii).

There was a group of about 12 or so people there, almost none of them were military.

They were really friendly and nice.

I had no idea how they knew each other but I assumed college or something.

Then one of the girls offered me a brownie.

Now I am going to explain what was going through my mind at this point.

When we first showed up, I could see that a few people were smoking and I couldn't tell what it was, but they weren't cigarettes.

Then the people next to me started smoking a hookah.

Being homeschooled then going to a Christian college, I have never been offered drugs or been around a person doing drugs.

So what I know about drugs comes from tv and movies.

So when I was offered a brownie by super friendly strangers smoking unknown items at a illegal beach bonfire, I assumed the worst and politely said no.

I soon felt very stupid for my assumptions when I found out a few more facts, 1. they were smoking skinny cigars, 2. they knew each other from church, 3. the brownies were store bought.


Other than feeling like a dweeb, I had a really fun time.

Unfortunately, I found out the hard way that sitting near a hookah will make you stink to high heaven for days.

And of course being the dweeb that I am, I was sure everyone around me could smell it and it made me feel very self-conscious.

So that is the tale of me and the not-so-special brownies.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

That story put a smile on my face and a little giggle :)