First there was the painting.

Then my dad showed Stephen how to do the cutting and the sanding.

Then it was Stephen’s turn.

Then the installing.

Then it was the caulking.
The puttying.
The sanding.
The recaulking.
The reputtying.
The resanding.
The wiping off. (Which was done with me on Stephen’s shoulders. I’m sorry I didn’t get a picture of that.)
Then the repainting.
Then on to the baseboards.
It was a lot of work. But so worth it!
(If you are wondering were the after pictures are, like a true makeover, you have to wait till the end to see the before-after pictures, trust me, its worth the wait. Not to mention we are not really at the "after" yet.)
The excitement is building. I watch each day for the next part :)
WOW...Can you say "Hard Hat area???' Love the crown molding! Also love the toilet sitting inside the bath tub...what a time saver!! Michael could never get his reading done, though!
Lookin' good!D
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