Thursday, April 21, 2011

I'm Back!

Hey everyone! I'm back!!

And you have no idea how happy I am to say that!

There is a long and tragic tale that I must tell of my journey home...

but not till later!

Because guess who else is back?


Now don't boggle your brains thinking, "Wow, that was a fast 3 months?!"

He was only gone for 3 weeks!

Something he and I are both happy about.

He got back yesterday, just one day after me.

He spent the 3 weeks in Okinawa.

For those of you who are geographically challenged like myself, here's a map.

So as you can see, he was far away from the radiation.

About 3-4 days after he left I finally got an email from him telling me what he was doing.

This is what he said:

"I'm in a joint task force working with Navy, Marines, and Air Force officers to plan how we would get about 90,000 Americans out of Japan if the power plant goes boom. Our part is to provide information and guidance on how to do radiological decontamination on the people showing up to the evacuation sites who have been contaminated with radiation."

He also said he was working 14 hour days.

In a later email he also said this:

"When I am working, I'm giving advice on things way above my pay grade. I do not want to be compared to the LT (lieutenant) who mistook the Japanese bombers heading to Oahu for a flock of birds (if you don't know what I'm talking about, then look it up dumb dumb)"

Side note: We call each other "dumb dumb" sometimes. It came from the movie "Night at the Museum".

He seemed to get quite goofy in his emails and facebook statements while over there.

Such as this one from his sister's facebook page:

"I know I"m a day late (two days late here). But Happy Birthday! I have an excuse for being late; I've been punching radiation in the face all week."

I rest my case.

So the task force finished their task and now Stephen is home.

He has already started torturing Willow.

But mostly he is doing this:

A lot of well deserved sleeping.

More posts of my trip to come soon!


Nick D said...

I am glad y'all are reunited!

Patti said...

So glad you two are home safe and sound and back in charge of the Wolfepack...missing you this Easter holiday...we'll dye an egg in your honor! Honestly, I think the grandparent bigraide is anticipating more fun than the kid--lets!