Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Finally, a name for the baby!

Naming your baby is hard.  I mean seriously, it is one of the most important decisions you will ever make.  It’s a huge responsibility.

The girls were easy to name.  I had their names picked out many years before they were born. 

Boy names were the real challenge.  But we fell in love with Rutherford’s name before I was even pregnant with him.

And since coming up with Rutherford’s name, we’ve been trying to think of another boy name we liked with no avail.

This whole pregnancy I have been stressing so much about a boy name and when we found out that the baby was in fact a boy, I started freaking out a little.

The pressure was really on with having given Rutherford a name we love and that had real meaning behind it.

I loved that we picked a name for him that set an example of the kind of man we wanted him to become, a man who loved and served God with his life.  A man who is described as “being altogether taken up with everything good, excellent and useful.”

After that, we could just give our second son a name that we kinda liked that had no meaning.

Well we had no luck finding another theologian name we liked so I started to think in terms of a positive male role model, someone that embodied the masculine virtues.

That got me thinking about knights.  The legends of knights were ones that portrayed men of strength, bravery, loyalty and valor who used their strength to help the weak and poor.  In the current culture of “man bashing” and talk of “toxic masculinity”, I want our son to have a positive idea of what it means to be a man.

This is the knights code of chivalry:

To fear God and maintain His Church
To serve the liege lord in valor and faith
To protect the weak and defenseless
To give succor to widows and orphans
To refrain from the wanton giving of offence
To live by honor and for glory
To despise pecuniary reward
To fight for the welfare of all
To obey those placed in authority
To guard the honor of fellow knights
To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit
To keep faith
At all times to speak the truth
To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun
To respect the honor of women
Never to refuse a challenge from an equal
Never to turn the back upon a foe

Seems to me a pretty good example to set before our son. 

So all of this to say that the name we have chosen is...


It is also no surprise that we, as serious book lovers, picked another literary related name.

The middle name we have chosen is Timothy.  It is my dad’s name and a Cooney family name (being good Irish people :)

So it's Arthur Timothy Wolfe.

I am really excited to have decided on a name and to stop calling him “baby”.

Also, Jane says “Arfur” which is just so cute and no one had better dare correct her!

Oh and please no "Art" or "Artie" nicknames.  Much appreciated.


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