Saturday, July 3, 2010

Extreme Home Makeover: Part 1

In May, one week after moving into our new house, my parents flew out for two weeks to help. We had many tasks on our to do list, the biggest one being putting in new flooring, baseboards and crown molding. Stephen and I know nothing about tools or carpentry. Lucky for us, my dad is a general contractor and my mom is a serious work horse and an amazing decorator! So they made up our team for our “Extreme Home Makeover.”

First things first, Stephen and my dad took a trip to Home Depot to get a few supplies.

By few supplies, I mean they came back with half of home depot in the back of the truck. I mean like saws, a nail gun, a shop vac and all kinds of “toys”.

Then they turned my living room into a hard hat construction zone!

I made sure to tell my dad to keep a close eye on Stephen so he doesn’t lose any fingers. Safety first!

Then started the instillation. We had ordering the click flooring but there was some confusion and they sent us the wrong kind and we ended up having to nail down all the flooring.

My dad worked for days on just the stairs!

Meanwhile, my mom and I (mostly my mom) tore out the wallpaper, putty-ed, sanded and painted the guest bathroom.

Let me take this moment to say, if you ever consider putting up wallpaper, PLEASE DONT! It may look nice now, but someday, I can guarantee it, it will be out of style. There is nothing worse than taking down wallpaper!

Lets end on a positive note though. By far the best thing the boys bought at Home Depot: a tool belt.

So sexy! Sorry, I couldn’t help myself!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Can't wait to see your beautiful home!

I must say I didn't ever imagine seeing Stephen wearing a tool belt :) Proud of you Stephen.

Great job Megan. I am really happy you are back to keeping us up-to-date on what you guys are doing. It is really appreciated. I check the blog each and every day :)

Miss you guys.