Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Extreme Makeover Part 5: Side Yard Farm

Along with the many things we are doing on the house, we are also working on the yard. By we, I mean Stephen.

He is a bit obsessive about the yard.

This is where some of the to do list prioritizing has been a problem.

I want lights, he wants to build garden boxes.

I try to express how lights are more vital than a garden at this time.

He disagrees. (With no real logical backing I might add)

But hey, if I’ve leaned anything it’s;

“Don’t argue with a man in a tool belt with a nail gun.”

Or was that;

“Don’t argue with a woman in an apron with a butcher knife?”


Stephen build the garden boxes along our side yard for our "side yard farm".

The dogs loved it. As soon as they saw it they ran over to one of the boxes climbed in and peed.

That’s when we knew we needed a gate.

So Stephen built a gate.

He loves his nail gun.

I helped too.


Stephen was very proud of himself.

I am really proud of him too.


Patti said...

WOW...looks totally professional!! Are you keeping the vegetables-to-be in, or the dogs out???? Raised vegetable beds are all the rage....next thing you know, you can put your veggies in a little cart and sell door to door to supplement your government income!

Nancy said...

I am so impressed!!! Stephen you continue to amaze me. I agree with Patti, it totally looks professional.

The two of you make a great team :)

Stephanie said...

Ah yes, the evil cinder rocks!!! How well I remember begging to go barefoot as soon as enough snow melted to show just a touch of ground. The driveway was covered in black cinder rock that Dad would "refresh" every spring which seemed to be the first ground to peep through the snow. We didn't care...we "ouched, ouched, ouched our way over anything that wasn't white. By mid June, our feet had toughened up so much that those cinders were no match for our caloused soles! Who needs shoes? Stephen, you bring tears to your father-in-laws eyes! Awesome fence! Just wait till Megan wants you to build one with an arbor and fenceboards with heart cutouts! Love you guys and miss you! Mom