Tuesday, March 30, 2010


We spent all weekend packing.

We hate packing.

It always takes so much more time than you would think.

The house we have been renting for the past year we have to be out of by the 31st (Yes, that would be tomorrow)

Stephen has been in the field all last week and didn't get home until 4pm on Sunday.

Poor guy was exhasted but I kept throwing boxes at him.

We moved everything we own into the garage of the new house.

We haven't closed on our new house but we have an agreement that we can keep our things in the garage while we rent a place for about a month.

I know many of you are not familiar with the island so here is a little picture to help you understand our current situation.

Black dot = Schofield Barracks where we both work.

Red dot = The house we have been living at for the past year.

Yellow dot = The house we are buying

Blue dot = The studio we are renting for April

Yep, we will be living in Kailua, the complete other side of the island. We really like Kailua. It's a really cute area but it's really far from work. By far, I mean like 40 minutes which really isn't that far to mainlanders but for us island people, it's really far. It will be interesting.


Patti said...

But it's such a beautiful drive...enjoy the fact that you are in Paradise! We'll keep our fingers crossed for May 1st to be the move in day!

Nancy said...

Oh my goodness. What a hassle for you guys. Are the animals boarded? Wish I was there to help you.

Edwards Family said...

Can't wait to see the new house. Hope you forwarded your mail to the new rental - don't want to miss the easter card. No money in it, just cute pics of the baby!