Monday, March 22, 2010


I have decided to do a blog about yogurt, yes yogurt. I’ll understand if you ignore my blog for a while. I know it’s not the most exciting topic. I am sure there are many other blogs with more exciting topics than bacteria infested dairy products. Well enough apologizing, those of you who haven’t deleted me from your favorites and written me off as a crazy lady, let's move on.

Why yogurt? I was inspired one day at Whole Foods when I came across the yogurt section. It was one of those, clouds parting, light beaming, angels in the background “awwwww”ing moments.

Ok so I’m crazy. Now I’ve said it, now lets no longer dilly dally on questions of my sanity.

I realized that I had been living in the dark ages of deciding between Yoplait and Light and Fit.

I had discovered so many more choices, so I of course decided I must try them all. When I met Stephen at the cash register he looked at me like I was nuts and asked “How much is all that going to cost?” I quoted my new excuse for spending money, “It’s for my blog.” Then he gave me an even weirder look and just shook his head and funded my insanity.

So for your reading pleasure I have tasted 7 different kinds of yogurt and have given a write up for each one. I will post one a day starting tomorrow.

Until then, I will leave you sitting on the edge of your seat in excitement, or as you get up to go.

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