Monday, August 30, 2010

Before and After: Library

Yes, we have a library.

If you know anything about Stephen, you know he loves books.

Not just likes,

Not just enjoys,

LOVES books.

He lives for them.

I have banned him from Borders and Barnes & Noble in an attempt to prevent bankruptcy.

I have had a harder time banning him from Amazon, his dealer of choice.

He has this phobia I have cleverly named bibliodisappearaphobia.


It's a fear that books will cease to be published so he must buy them now before they are gone.

So for this reason, we have an entire room devoted to his addiction.



That blank area is where a big comfy leather reading chair will go someday.



Here are some of the categories we have.

I haven't gotten around to doing the Dewey Decimal System yet, but I will.

Side note from the editor (AKA Stephen): "We will never have the Dewey Decimal System in our house! John Dewey is one of the most destructive Americans in American history. He is responsible for the downfall of American public education. Of course, he's loved by liberals who are more satisfied with kids learning how to put a condom on a cucumber than kids learning who wrote the Declaration of Independence, let alone its contents."

Stephen even said to me "I hate him. Is it ok to hate someone who is dead because they are no longer your neighbor?" (neighbor as in, "love your neighbor")

I think maybe Stephen needs his own blog to rant on.

Anyways, back to the categories.

(soteriology = study of salvation)

His categories also include Puritans, Calvinism, Classical Languages, Commentaries, Systematic Theology, Biblical Languages, Biblical Theology, Christian Living, Conservative Politics, Christian Worldview, Jazz, Biographies, Modern Literature, History and of course all kinds of philosophy.

Stephen was kind enough to let me use some of his bookshelves for my meager book collection.

See those 2 skinny shelves in the corner. Not the short one, or the big one on the left. Just the 2 skinny ones.

Those are mine.

Here are some of my book categories.

I love my Jane Austen and Charles Dickens.

Bradbury and Tolken.

I also have marriage counseling, women's issues, children, doula studies and many psychology sections.

And what library would be complete without a Heresy section?

This section includes the Qur'an, The Teachings of Buddha, multiple Book of Mormons and the Jehovah's Witness Bible as well as some others.

The library is kind of Stephen's "man cave" so it also includes his beer bottle collection.

It's pretty extensive.

He's not a drunk, I promise.

These beers were consumed at a rate of no more than one a day.

Most are really dark stouts that I think taste awful.

I am more of a Blue Moon drinker myself.

I should probably stop before we start sounding like lushes.

Next time I'll show you our wine cork collection (no really, we have one).

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Ah, a girl after my own heart...Tolkein and Bradbury. I'm watching Lord of the Rings during my "dreadmill" sesions. Makes the hour go faster. Don't tell Stephen that I have been thinking of getting a (dare I say it?) Kindle. And don't get me started on what happened to my leather bound set of Tolkein!!!