Monday, July 16, 2012

32 Weeks

I thought it was about time Stephen got in one of my belly pictures.

His favorite thing to do is give my belly raspberries (which is what he is doing in the picture if you can't tell).

He is very excited to do it to Alice's belly.

I am convinced that she will be a daddy's girl, how could she not be?

Stephen is really impatient for her to be born, not that he wants her to be premature or anything, just that she would be ready at 37 weeks....and that it would be 37 weeks now.

He talks to her a lot and likes me to sleep with my belly against him so he can feel her move.

It's really sweet.

He always calls her "little Alice".

I can't wait to see him with her, he is going to be a great daddy.

P.S.  I am really proud of my chalk art this week, it took me a long time.

I also feel pretty cool since ombre is so in right now :o)


Patti said...

My...look how much you (Alie) have grown!!! Love seeing Stephen sharing this with you!!! You two will be great parents!

Nancy said...

Ditto with Patti's comment and not only are you a great writer but an artist too!!!!

I am ready too! Looking forward to holding Alice and telling her Nana loves her.