Friday, June 17, 2011


Ah Friday.

Yes, even a homemaker can enjoy Friday.

This particular Friday I am enjoying because I finished the yard work today.

I mowed all the lawns with our push mower.

I have never ever in my entire life mowed a lawn.

I had hoped to die with that achievement.

(That and never having tasted spam)

But it had to be done (the lawns, not eating spam)

Unfortunately the lawns hadn't been mowed for a really really long time.

Mowing overgrown lawns with a push mower is seriously hard work.

And the mower kept making this awful squealing noise and I have no idea where the WD40 is.

But I got it done.

I also pulled all the weeds.

This was one of the "weeds" I found:

And I trimmed the hedges with our electric hedge trimmer which I am always sure I am going to chop off my leg with.

(No worries, my legs are still intact...for now)

Before I show you the picture of the yard, let me just say I hate the landscaping.

Just so you know.

So here is the front of the house with lawn mowed and hedges trimmed.

And 2 ugly palm trees (I'll say more about them in a minute)

Here is the backyard, looking from the back of the house towards the garage.

Notice the hot mess those fanning palms are.

Here is the yard from the garage facing the back of the house.

Now in the backyard there are three palm trees (not counting those fanning ones).

I hate them.

I hate them because their tops look like this:

(Notice the pretty palm trees in our neighbors yard, why couldn't we have had those kind of palms?)

I hate them because their bottoms look like this:

And nothing will grow around them.

And little berry things drop from them and make a mess.

In summary, palm trees = ugly mess.

Also today I gave the dogs a much needed bath.

After their bath I put them in the house while I finished some of the yard work.

(If I leave them outside, they are bound to run around and roll in the dirt)

When I came back in the house, I found them like this:

Then came lunch time.

Now I am about to tell you about something amazing, but you may not believe me.

Now you have to trust me.

Have I ever led you astray?


Ok so believe me when I say that kabocha, goat cheese and caramelized red onions are an amazing combination.

(Kabocha is a winter squash like butternut squash, only better)

So for lunch I took some kabocha I had roasted and pureed, some goat cheese and some caramelized red onions and put them on a tortilla.

(Now remember to trust me)

I then folded it in half and fried it like a quesadilla.

Then all the ingredients melt together into this amazingness:

You have to admit that it looks good.

And it so is.

Now to spend the afternoon finishing some chores around the house and this evening to give myself a much needed pedicure while watching Gnomeo and Juliet.

(One of the plus sides to Stephen being gone is being able to watch all the movies he doesn't want to watch)


Patti said...

WOW...and I thought I was busy at work today. I'm going to have a massage tomorrow, and I suggest you treat yourself to one deserve it!!

Nancy said...

Your yards, house, and dogs look great. Stephen will definitely be impressed!!!

I agree with Patti, you deserve a massage