Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Yard Work

Today, I dragged myself out of bed to face this:

Yes that is what used to be this:

Things got a little out of hand. <-- understatement

Let me first say that I hate hard labor.

You know those people who love "working up a sweat"?

I'm not one of them.

I don't like sweating.

I don't like having to work hard physically.

That is why I went to school to become a therapist and not a construction worker.

Working in the yard = hard labor.

The lifting, pulling, digging, bending, mowing, raking and all with the hot sun beating down on you.

You may like it (you also may be crazy)

But it is so not my thing.

But what is my thing is making my husband happy.

Nice yard = happy husband.

I also can't pass up a great before and after.

So here it is:



You see that nice brick path?

All me.

Including the loading them in the cart at Home Depot, loading them in the car, then unloading them and carrying then into the yard.

I may need someone to brush my teeth for me tonight.

Any volunteers?


While working in the yard I came in contact with:



fruit flies






cute little frogs the size of a pea.

I liked the frogs but all the other creepy crawlies, I could have done without.

Another reason I hate yard work.

But now that the afternoon sun is up, the rest of the yard work will have to wait till tomorrow.

That is if I can still move tomorrow.

Now because I worked all morning on my least favorite chore in all the world, does that mean I can take the afternoon off?


What do you mean the laundry wont do itself?

Dang it.


Nick D said...

Looks awesome Megan!

Patti said...

looks like professional work..sure you don't hire out???

Nancy said...

I am truly impressed. For someone who doesn't like to do yard work you sure do good work!!!!!