Monday, February 22, 2010

Hell Raiser

Giselle is a most definite hell raiser/trouble maker/ terrorist. Those are a few of the names we yell at her. She is very sweet but a bit crazy. She runs around like a psycho and meows funny. She loves to knock things down and most of all, she loves to climb up high. Her favorite spot is on top of the cabinets in the kitchen. She can, amazingly enough, jump all the way from the counter to the top of the cabinets.

She loves to hang out up there and just watch me from above. I think it makes her feel powerful.

Here she is, perched up high, watching her subjects do her bidding, plotting her world domination.


Nancy said...

The last picture looks very professional. I am just amazed Gizelle can jump that high when the counter top doesn't extend that far out. Your photography is great!!!

Patti said...

AS long as she doesn't jump on you when you don't expect it....