They are mortal enemies.
Both are of the opinion that “This Island is not big enough for the two of us!”
So the battle began.
Dog, being the larger and more mobile, obviously had the upper hand.
Dog started by intimidating the coconut with vicious barking.
Then there was the gnawing..
…oh the gnawing! I can still hear it in my sleep.
It was a gory scene that the other coconuts in the trees above could only watch in horror!
Dog would even throw coconut in the air at an attempt to break him open! It was quite vicious.
Dog did a lot of kicking as well.
There was one thing that dog did not see coming...
The secret weapon of the coconut...
So in the end, the battle was won by coconut...
...but the war wages on!
I wonder what Lilo would have done if he had finally conquered the coconut...the ultimate it???
I think your new blog layout is the BEST!!! So creative...another possible career for you...professional blogging advice and set up!! Along with the photography sideline and Martha Stewart crafts! That top picture of Lilo and the boots should be sold to the Army to put in their recruiting brochure!
I am still laughing :) Cute story!!!
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