Monday, September 20, 2010


I love containers.

I love containing things in containers.

My favorite of all containers are glass ones.

They're like doorless cupboards, organized clutter.

They give me the warm and fuzzies inside.

They make me clap my hands and hop in place.

I have your basic containers of all-purpose flour, sugar and brown sugar.

I have containers for cooking utensils and 3 different kinds of oats and 4 different kinds of rice.

I have containers for different kinds of flours.

I have containers for spaghetti.

Containers for lasagna noodles.

Containers for wine corks.

Containers for beer caps.

Containers for change.

Containers for colored pencils.

Containers for sketching pencils.

Containers for mini colored pencils.

Containers for paint brushes.


Containers for buttons.

Containers for my brains.

Wait, where is that jar?....

It’s around here somewhere.

Anyways, in summary,

I love containers.

The end.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Ahhh, containers. I'm sorry, little girl, but you are your mother's daughter! Although, I have to admit, your glass ones are much prettier than my tupperware!