Friday, September 17, 2010

Motivation, or Lack There Of

Monday started out well.

I walked the dogs, went for a run, cleaned the entire house and had dinner made by the time Stephen got home.

I felt pretty proud of myself.

Hm, “proud” in having pride.

Pride...isn’t there some saying about that?

Something in connection to tripping? Or maybe it was falling?

Oh well.

Tuesday came with my main chore to mop all the floors.

We have no carpet, not even a rug.

It’s a lot of floor to mop.

My subconscious (or not so “sub” conscious) knew this and kept me sleeping past my alarm until 7am.

Then I suddenly contracted a terrible case of ADD.

I was distracted all day long.

Greatest distraction of all time:

Etsy, I hate you.

I love you.

I can’t get enough of you.

You’re ruining my life.

Never leave me.

I need help.

So distractions, that was what I was talking about right?

Ok, so distractions, lack of motivation and laziness led to a day of unproductiveness.

This spilled into Wednesday as well.

And Thursday.

And today.

Dang it!

Being a homemaker is hard!

All day there is no one to keep me accountable.

To tell me to get off this darn computer.

This feeling of “unaccountability” lasts until around 4:30.

This is when I realized Stephen will be home in about an hour.

With Stephen comes the dreaded question...

“What did you do today?”

This question haunts me daily.

Stephen, clueless of the stomach knots this question causes, asks me this everyday to be kind and caring and curious about my day.

Darn you and your caring!

Maybe if I posted a big sticky note with that question written on it to my computer I would be more productive.

I might try that.

This week has been a bit of a failure for me as a homemaker.

Praise God His mercies are new every morning. (and Stephen’s too :o)

Praying for another chance to glorify God better tomorrow.


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